Welcome to the Beaury Lab​
The Beaury Lab sits in the Center for Conservation and Restoration Ecology at the New York Botanical Garden. We think spatially about the drivers and impacts of global change.​​​
Evelyn Beaury, PhD
Assistant Curator, New York Botanical Garden
BA, University of Colorado Boulder
PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst​
I am an invasion ecologist and biogeographer with a background in plant community ecology and evolutionary biology. I am a new addition to the Science Division of the New York Botanical Garden, where I will be building a research program in the Center for Conservation and Restoration Ecology.
My research focuses on the biogeography of global change, namely characterizing the spatial patterns and processes related to the spread of invasive species, climate change, and land-use change. How do these aspects of global change individually and interactively affect biodiversity? How do their impacts differ across time and space? Can we be more proactive in addressing and mitigating their role in global biodiversity loss?
My research primarily uses geographic methods and spatial data products to address these questions (ie, I make and analyze maps!), but I am always open to exploring new avenues for thinking about global change and its outcomes.​

If you are interested in working on these or related research themes, please contact me at ebeaury@nybg.org. Prospective group members should expect to 1) use spatial and computational tools to conduct research, 2) share an interest in learning about and conserving biodiversity, and 3) contribute to an inclusive work environment.